Curriculum Committees
College of 艺术 and 科学
College of 业务
College of 教育
College of 教育 研究生 Council
College of Health 科学
College of 药店
Council on Teacher 教育
Distance 教育
University General 教育

University Curriculum Coordinating Committee Information

Chicago State University Curriculum Coordinating Committee (UCCC)

I.  Purpose of the Committee

  1. 委员会的目的应是向适当人士提供建议 大学官方关于增加,删除或修改任何学术 关于传统、在线和校外课程的学位课程要求 offered by the University. 这些 include major and minor degree 项目, certificates, options, and concentrations as well as the primary review for any existing degree 可以选择提供额外的校外或在线学位的课程 be subject to re-review as a result. The committee also reviews the minutes of the 学院课程委员会,监督新课程的建议,审查和批准 根据建议对大学课程或评估进行的任何政策或程序更改 通识教育委员会(GEC)、通识教育评核委员会 (GEAC),以及负责大学课程问题的任何其他机构 向教务处、教务委员会和任何其他适当的机构提交 body as needed.
  2. 该委员会还监督各学科之间可能产生的任何课程冲突 并负责向相应的主席、院长、 or Academic Vice President regarding possible solutions to resolve such
  3. UCCC主席是委员会所有意志的最终签署人 提交给教务处的课程变化和/或路由表 修改学术主要或次要学位课程,选项,未成年人,和证书 项目.

II. Committee 会员

  1. 委员会应由十三(13)名成员组成,每名成员均由任命 由各自学院院长与UCCC主席(及学科)协商后提出 由教务委员会批准)从全职A单元的终身制和 tenure track faculty. Six (6) members shall come from the College of 艺术 and 科学 并从商业、健康科学、教育、 药房和图书馆,外加研究生委员会的一名成员 由教务委员会任命一名最终成员,以确保至少有一名 member of the committee is a Senator. The Provost, Assistant Provost for Curriculum, and previous UCCC Chairs in residence are 依据职权 自本文件发布之日起两年内,本章程的成员条款应 be reviewed, and subsequently every two years thereafter.
  2. Members shall serve for a term of three (3) years with approximately one-third of 每年按选举轮换制有资格重新任命的成员 attached to this document. Members may be reappointed to successive terms. The committee 主席应在会议上分发一份成员名单及任期说明 每学年第一次会议要给每位会员发一份副本 Faculty 参议院 Rules and Operations Committee (ROC). All new members shall be seated 委员会根据UCCC主席的肯定建议,与 成员所在学院的院长,以及学院的正式推荐 参议院.

3.  军官

  1. The committee shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary from the members present at the first meeting of the academic year. The Chair and Secretary shall be the officers of the committee elected to a one-year term.
  2. 在预计主席缺席的情况下,秘书应主持会议 the meeting. In the absence of both officers, the Chair shall designate a temporary replacement from among the voting members of the committee as needed.
  3. 在秋季学期开始时,前任主席应召开第一次会议 of the year in the absence of any other official business to elect new officers.

IV.  Committee Meetings

  1. 委员会应在每月的第四个或最后一个星期四举行会议 特别的 委员会每学期应召开不少于一次会议 term to ensure the continuity of the deliberative processes of the committee. If convenient, 应定期举行额外会议,以保持各成员之间的凝聚力 and to avoid hasty convocation under adverse circumstances.
  2. 所有学术院系都打算进行他们批准的课程修改 包括在秋季目录中,所有原始课程表格和支持材料 must be submitted by the March UCCC meeting for approval.
  3. 委员会应审查教务处提供的资料 符合其目的,如上文所述,关于增加,删除或 修改任何学术主修或副修学位课程,选项,未成年人,和 certificates offered by the University. The committee shall review the minutes of 学院课程委员会根据需要,监督新课程建议的冲突 在学院之间,审查并批准任何政策或程序上的改变 通识教育委员会(GEC)、通识教育评核委员会 (GEAC),以及任何其他负责大学课程的机构,并应向前推进 将本建议提交教务处和/或教务委员会 needed or as required. No item of business before the committee shall be addressed without a representative from the affected department(s) being present. It shall be 委员会只与主席一起审议课程要求的做法 of the department present and from the department where the action originated.
  4. 会议的法定人数为委员会成员的过半数(7人)。. 为了达到法定人数,委员会中只有指定的教员 shall be counted; 依据职权 members shall not be counted.
  5. The Chair shall have a vote regarding committee business only in the event of a
  6. The conduct of business at meetings shall follow Robert’s Rules of Order,

V. Committee Reporting Function

  1. 主席应就增加、删除或 任何学术学位课程的修改,新课程的建议,和任何学术 有关课程的政策或程序更改通知教务处 and/or to the Faculty 参议院 as needed or as required.
  2. 主席应被授权代表委员会签署路由 由教务处提供的表格,需要在表格上签名 a majority vote of the committee.
  3. 应要求主席填写并提交一份关于……的年度报告 委员会在学年结束时向教务委员会汇报活动情况 and the Office of Academic Affairs.

VI. Bylaw Revision

这些 规章制度 shall be subject to revision with the consent of a simple majority of the members present at a meeting specifically called for such a purpose. Final revision to these 规章制度 是否需要出席会议的成员的三分之二多数的同意 specifically called for the purpose of revision. 这些 规章制度 also replace and supersede any previously existing UCCC 规章制度 that may arise.

TERM 2020-2023

  • June Price Shingles (UGC)
  • Leslie Baker-Kimmons (CAS)
  • Andrea Van Duzor (CAS)
  • At large (参议院 could add a person)

TERM 2021-2024

  • Kamesha Kahn (CAS)
  • Regina Smith (HSC)
  • Nancy Grim (COE), UCCC Chair
  • Eddy Gaytan (CAS)
  • Khalid Alsamara (COB)

TERM 2022-2025

  • Jan-Jo Chen (CAS)
  • TBD (CAS)
  • Rosalind Fielder (LIB)
UCCC在学年的每个月的最后一个星期四举行会议 exception of November when UCCC meets the first Thursday of December. All actions 提交审查应至少通过adobe签名提供给UCCC主席 one week before each meeting.


Curriculum 资源
PDF图标 Curriculum Action Handbook
PDF图标 Curriculum Action Instructions- 2023-24